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Healthcare providers are advised to remain highly vigilant for dengue in patients presenting with fever and a recent travel history to regions with frequent or continuous dengue transmission.  ●   During this National Oral Health Month, a leading dental expert shares the secrets to improved oral hygiene through effective teeth-brushing techniques.  ●   There is a two-fold increased risk of Parkinson's disease in the anxiety group compared to the control group, the study revealed.  ●   A study discovered that elderly adults who experienced chronic loneliness had a 56% higher risk of stroke compared to those who consistently reported not being lonely.  ●   According to the study results published in the journal eBiomedicine, children born underweight face greater health risks if they develop obesity.  ●   The study suggests that following a specific intermittent fasting plan, such as the 5:2 intermittent fasting technique and a meal replacement diet, might help improve glycemic control among those with type 2 diabetes.  ●   The relatively rare malignancy affecting genitals is predicted to increase at an alarming rate of 77% in the next three decades.  ●   The study results showed that cannabis users had an 80% increased risk of hospitalization and a 27% increased risk of ICU admission.  ●   Researchers have discovered that women who undergo oophorectomy before menopause may face a higher risk of experiencing reduced white matter integrity in their brains as they age.  ●   The researchers also noted that none of the trials showed an adverse effect on weight loss when nuts were included as part of the diet.  ●   Many nutritious food options are now patterned to some of our classic favourites, like nutrition cookies.  ●   The researchers developed a blood test that uses artificial intelligence to detect Parkinson's disease about seven years before onset.  ●   Those who engaged in regular walking remained pain-free for nearly twice as long as those who did not incorporate walking into their routine.  ●   Integrating collagen supplements into a balanced diet and exercise regimen can provide a multifaceted approach to achieving weight loss.  ●   Officials recommend enhancing testing and vaccination efforts to reduce the risk of severe illness and transmission.  ●   Perinatal depression in women elevates the likelihood of cardiovascular disease for up to two decades, the study revealed.  ●   The researchers discovered that doing twelve months of heavy resistance training around retirement age induces long-term beneficial effects on leg strength, lasting up to four years.  ●   A new report suggests that the number of Americans with poor diet quality remains stubbornly high, and dietary disparities persist or are worsening.  ●   Researchers now found that periods of fasting could boost the immune system's natural killer cells to fight off cancer.  ●   Streptococcal Toxic Shock Syndrome (STSS), caused by Group A Streptococcus, can result in severe complications including low blood pressure, irregular heart rate, rapid breathing, necrotizing fasciitis potentially leading to limb loss, organ failure, and toxic shock.  ●   A group of researchers from Japan discovered potential life-extending benefits of habitually eating small fish eaten whole, particularly among women.  ●   The study investigated the underlying factors behind the connection between a high-fat diet and anxiety.  ●   To proactively combat abnormal cholesterol, it's essential to have a test. This allows you to detect early signs that may affect your overall health.  ●   Individuals who give birth to infants weighing less than 5.5 pounds are at a higher risk of experiencing memory and cognitive problems later in life, in contrast to those who deliver infants without low birth weight, a recent study revealed.  ●   There is a higher likelihood of developing dementia before reaching the age of 65 in the first responders to the 9/11 site who experienced severe exposure to toxic debris in contrast to minimally exposed responders or those who utilized personal protective equipment.  ●  

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The Team at NP/PA Engage is pleased to be in collaboration with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to provide relevant content and updated information for the members of NP/PA Engage.